Thursday, March 31, 2011

Making Raised Beds

I have been thinking of making some raised beds for our garden. Taking this...

 And turning it into something like..

In fairness our garden looks nothing like those pictures as they were taken about a year ago before we planted loads of stuff in it and the winter made it look a bit crazy but you get the idea. So I got onto a timber supplier and they were great delivering the wood the same day as I ordered it.

I set out the bamboo and string to give myself an idea of the size of the beds. Then using my trusty workbench I got cracking. 5 hours later...

One slightly blurry photograph and a load cut wood. Then I drilled all of the wood so that screwing it all together would be easier.

This is far as far as I got on my own. Needed some help at this point so had to finish up there.

Got some help putting up the sides and with a delivery of three tonnes (which wasn't nearly enough) or hopefully decent topsoil they were done.

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