Thursday, March 31, 2011

Brewing Up a Storm: The Unboxing

Made beer last year for the first time and it went down very nicely indeed. its my 30th b-day this year and I am planning a bit of shindig at my place I decided it might be a good idea to make some more. Thankfully a like-minded friend was making his first foray into the art of Home Brewing so we were able to cut down on the cost of delivery. (I'm still own him in fact but I think it's been written off as a birthday pressie :))

Doing some research I came across this review site and since I like Pale Ales (especially Sierra Nevada Pale Ale) I went with the Coopers IPA. I'm planning to brew it with 500g Extralight (or Light) Spraymalt and the equivalent of  300g of Brewing Sugar in Honey. (According to Homebrewtalk honey is only yields at 75% so you have to adjust your amounts accordingly)

Unfortunately, I forgot to get brewer's yeast so all we'll be doing tonight is the unboxing...

So here it is. I'm looking forward to it already!

PS I subsequently realised that it comes with the yeast!

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