Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tasty Good: Why going home is so good

My Dad makes this brown bread it has about 6 million types of flour rice, potato, maize, sunflower seeds (which go green when cooked, who knew?) and a few other things. Last year I was in Portugal and had this amazing bread with Chorizo in it so I thought it might be good with the bread. It was ridiculous. Especially with some Red Leicester cheese :)

The next treat we had was beer BBQ'd roast chicken. The idea here is that you take a beer can with some beer in it, sit the chicken on the beer can and roast it. Do your usual with the chick seasoning wise. The beer flavours the chicken so keep that in mind when you pick your beer. You end up with the best chicken you will ever have ever.

The last thing we had was a spit roast leg of lamb plugged with Rosemary and garlic. This we had with Purple Sprouting Broccoli from the garden and some roasty potato wedges.


  1. YOU MONSTER WHAT DID YOU DO TO THAT CHICKEN. Cruel and unusual much.

  2. Cruel, unusual and ridiculously tasty!
