Saturday, April 30, 2011

Eat Only Irish for a Week: Practice runs

This is the second of our #eatonlyirishforaweek practice dinners so they are mostly Irish as opposed to all Irish.

The first dinner was lamb chops with spinach, fried mushrooms and home-made potato wedges. Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures of it so you will just have to trust me when I say it was fab. The non-Irish part of this dinner was the paprika and sundry other spices that went into making the wedges but other that than every thing was Irish grown.

Tonight's dinner is butterflied chicken breast stuffed with spinach, mushrooms and cheddar cheese, rosemary roast diced potatoes and roasted cherry tomatoes in balsamic vinegar. The non-Irish part was this dinner was the balsamic vinegar. Irish tomatoes are not as hard to come by as you would expect.

More about Eat Only Irish for a Week can be found at

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